
NOUN Vice Chancellor Confered With The Fellow of SEPHON

Proffessor Abdalla Uba Adamu Being Decorated With The Awrad's Regalia
Yesterday was another happy day for the Vice Chancellor of National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN), Professor Abdalla Uba Adamu. It was the day he was confered with the award: Fellow Society for Environmental and Public Health of Nigeria (SEPHON).

The conferment of the award on the Professor was during the SEPHON International Congress which was held at the Senate Conference Hall, Senate Building, Noun University, Abuja.

While speaking and showing his appreciation at the congress which was organised in conjunction with Environmental and Public Health Practioners Association of Nigeria (EPHAN), Centre for Epidemology, Toxicology and Occupational Health of Nigeria and the National Open University of Nigeria, Faculty of Health Science, Professor Abdalla said that it was an honour to be part of SEPHON.

NOUN Vice Chancellor who happened to be the Chairman at the occasion stated further that the award was not the first one he has had but noted that it was the first he has received in full regalia.

The 63 years old Professor of Science Education and Media and Cultural Communication said,
hosting the congress helps in popularizing the university and by doing so it removes the stigma on the University

He added by saying,
if you ask me, the public and environmental health practitioners are more important than doctors because doctors cure while you practitioners prevent and as the old saying goes prevention is better than cure.

In attendance were the leaders and the members of all organisers of the congress, NOUN community and the invited guests.

Professor Adama before joining National Open University of Nigeria as Vice Chancellor, he was Professor of of Media amd Communication, Faculty of Communication, Bayero University, Zaria. He also was the Professor of Science Education, Faculty of Education, same University.

The Vice Chancellor hold a Doctor pf Philosophy Degree (PhD) Education and Human Resources, Universityof Sussex (1985-1988). He did his Master Degree Programme (M.A Science Education) at University of London.

Besides being a Fellow Society for Environmental and Public Health of Nigeria (SEPHON), he was a recipient of many award.