
Ajayi Crowther University Joins Oracle Academy, Presented Plaque of Partnership

The management of Ajayi Crowther University, Oyo announced they have join the Oracle Academy as a Member Institution. This was made public last week at the presentation of the plaque of partnership between the two academic institutions.

By joining the Oracle Academy, Ajayi Crowther University becomes one of the many tertiary institutions in Nigeria that goes into partnership with the global ICT giant academy.

When he was presenting the plague of partnership at the meeting of the officials of the institutions, the Oracle ambassador to Ajayi Crowther University, Mr. Adeyemi Falase, a lecturer in the school department of computer science said it was a privilege to represent the school at the academy. He said there are many benefits the university community will get from the partnership.

The Head of Department of  Computer Science of the institution stated that to be abreast of the latest developments in the ever changing ICT world, then entering into this kind of partnership especially with Oracle, a global ICT giant cannot be ignored.

Also speaking at the presentation of the plague of partnership was  Professor Ebenezer Olayinka, Dean Faculty of Computer Science, Ajayi Crowther University, who use the opportunity to appreciate the school Vice Chancellor, Professor Dapo Asaju and every other members of the school community who made the partnership possible.

Oracle Academy help member institutions to develop their teachers in core computer knowledge, equip them with skill design to meet the modern time industrial requirement by making use of modern teaching methods so that they can impart knowledge into their students, such that will make them successful.

Oracle Academy is the Oracle Computer project which aims to promote computer science education worldwide and imparting knowledge, promote skill development, innovation and diversity in technology field.

Since the beginning of the project, it was said that more than 6.3 million students from about 128 countries of the world have been impacted.  They accept membership as a students, teachers, institutions and partners