
Cyprus Universitites Accreditation and Recognition

For you to have found yourself on this page means you are afraid to not sought for admission at a universities in Cyprus that is not accredited or recognized by government or by one of the popular professional bodies around.

One fact is that no university can operate in Cyprus without first been approved by the country Ministry of Education and Culture. Even before any higher institution could start a new course it must be approved by the ministry. So, that means all universities in Cyprus are recognised by the government and all the programmes they run were approved accordingly. Therefore, if your wish is to stay and work with the certificate you earned from any university there, you will surely get your desire job, any other things apart.

Worthy to be noted is the Cyprus Higher Education Quality Assurance and Accreditation  Body which control the quality of higher education in Cyprus to make sure they are in conformity with European Union and International set standard. They do frequent evaluation of all higher institutions and their programmes to make sure they are always improving and upgrading as required by the EU.

The body represent all the higher institutions in Cyprus in Europe and Internationally. The body is a member of the following European educational  bodies:

  • European Quality Assurance Network
  • International Network for Quality Assurance and Certification of Higher Education
  • European Union of Universities and
  • European Distance Learning and e-Learning Network.

All this is a prove that all the universitites in Cyprus are recognised in Europe and world over and that you will get quality university education if you are trained in the country.

Another question is can you an international student use the certificate and the skill acquired from one of the universities to work elsewhere aside Cyprus?

Yes you can. You can use the skill and certifiate acquire from any university in Cyprus to work anywhere in Europe. It was revealed that the country education system is mould by the European Higher Education Area. The programme of study in Cyprus is based on European Credit Transfer System (ECTS).

At programme level, all courses that are available at virtually all the universitites in Cyprus are recognised by relevant European and international professional bodies.

All engineering graduates from all the universitites in Cyprus are eligible to register with Cyprus Technical and Scientific Chamber (ETEK). A registered member is eligible to practice in any of the European Union member states.

A registered member of ETEK who is a Computer Engineer is eligible to register and become a member of British Computing Society (BCS) and Chartered Information Technology Professional (CITP)

Accounting graduates from any of the universitites in Cyprus are recognised and could be registered with Association of Chartered Certified Accountant ACCA, Chartered Institute of Management Account CIMA and Institute of Chartered Accountant of England and Wales ICAEW.