
Automotive Engineering at Deakin University, Australia

Here is the details of the Bachelor of  Automotive Engineering at Deakin University, a public research institution in Melbourne Australia. 

Automotive Engineering is a field of disciplines which combine the knowledge in mechanical, electrical, software, electronic and safety engineering to design and make highly efficient and safe motor vehicles.

While many universities do it as a programme many prefer to do mechanical engineering instead.

In Australia, few numbers of universities do automotive engineering as a programme but the course is common among the Technical and Further Education (TAFE) Schools .

Automotive Engineering at Deakin University

Deakin University don't offer Automotive Engineering as a programme. It is not among the few number of the universities that run the programme. So, if you so desire to do the automotive engineering course at Deakin University, you are not likely to have your dream fulfilled.

See the list of the few universities  that do Automotive Engineering in Australia