
This Invention Set to Upgrade Facial Recognition Technology

Engineers at University of Wincousin, Madison has invented a smart glass that is able to recognise object without the use of any embedded sensors or circuit or any power sources.

The smart glass - according to a publication from the University of Wincousin, Faculty of Engineering - only requires embedded artificial intelligence AI to perform the task of recognising images and this could upgrade the existing face recognition technologies in the future.

The existing face recognition technologies require a lot of computational resources and lot of power consumption to perform the task but with this new smart glass, the task of facial recognition would be done will lesser computational  resources using no sources of  power.

An Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at University of Wincousin, Zongfu You has this to say about the new invention.

“We’re using optics to condense the normal setup of cameras, sensors, and deep neural networks into a single piece of thin glass,” 

The new technology if deploy will bring down the cost of making facial recognition cameras and could be able to  correct series of flaws in the existing technologies.

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