
List of Universities Where Aeronautical Engineering is Taught in United Kingdom (UK)

Listed on this page are some the universities where Aerospace or Aeronautical Engineering can be study as a programme in United Kingdom, U.K.

If you are an international student or domestic student wishing to study either Aerospace or Aeronautical Engineering, the list on this page is for you to study.

University of Sheffield
Taught as Aerospace Engineering. Available as BEng, MEng and MSc degree programme.
Options: Aerospace Engineering with year in industry
Aerospace Engineering with foundation year and
Aerospace Engineering with a year in North America

Loughborough University
Bachelor of Engineering (BEng) Hons: 4 years with placement (Full Time)
Aeronautical Engineering (MEng): 5 years (Full Time)
Aeronautical Engineering with a Foundation year: 4-6 years full time. And
Aeronautical Engineering with international foundation year: for international students.

University of Liverpool
The course is taught as Aerospace Engineering.
Bachelor of Engineering (BEng): 3 or 4 years full time
Master of Engineering (MEng): 4 or 5 years full time
Master of Science (MSc): 1 year full time
There is option to study abroad.

University of Bristol
Aerospace Engineering
Bachelor of Engineering (BEng): 3 or 4 years full  time.
Masters of Engineering (MEng): 4 or 5 years full time with option  to study in Europe or abroad.

University of Nottingham
Bachelor of Engineering (BEng): 3 or 4 years full time
Master of Engineering (MEng): 4 or 5 years. Foundation year available to both BEng and MEng programmes.
There is option  to study abroad.
Masters of Science (MSc) degree programme is tag Aerospace Technology. Lasted 1 year full time

University of Southampton
Taught as Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering.
Bachelor of Engineering (BEng): 3 years full-time
Master of Engineering (MEng): 4 years full time with option in Aerodynamic, Air Vehicle Systems Design, Engineering Management, Spacecraft Engineering, Space System Engineering and Structural Design.
Master of Science (MSc) programme focus on Space System Engineering.

University of Glasgow
Taught as Aerospace Engineering
Bachelor of Engineering (BEng):  3 or 4 years full time.
Masters of Engineering (MEng): 4 or 5 years full time.
Masters of Science (MSc): 1 full year
Aerospace System Engineering: BEng: 4 years and MEng: 5 years

University of Leeds
Bachelor of Engineering (BEng) Hons: 3 years full time
Master of Engineering (MEng) Hons: 4 years full time.
With placement: 4 years and 5 years respectively.
Master of Science (MSc) programme: 1 year
Placement is optional.

Queen Mary University of London
Aerospace Engineering with 3 degree options: BEng, MEng, MSc
4 (Four) Title Options:
Aerospace Engineering
Aerospace Engineering with industrial experience
Aerospace Engineering with foundation year
Aerospace engineering with year abroad.

Brunei University of London
The Course is Taught as Aerospace Engineering
Bachelor Engineering (BEng): 3 years full time or 4 years full time with placement.
Master of Engineering (MEng): 4 years full time or 5 years with placement.

Doing Aeronautical or Aerospace Engineering for a duration of 4 years to earn Bachelor of Engineering (BEng) degree certificate or 5 years to earn a Master of Engineering (MSc) degree certificate bring a student nearer to a stage of becoming a Chartered Engineer.

All the universities mentioned above and some others  have their Aeronautical and Aerospace Engineering programmes certified by the Royal Aeronautical Society (RAeS) and Institute of Mechanical Engineering (iMechE).

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