
Prospectus: School of Engineering UNILAG, Akoka, Lagos

Getting on this page means you want to know or see how the prospectus of School of Engineering, UNILAG look like.

The information this webpage is passing to you about the prospectus of the School of Engineering, UNILAG is that it is not always put online or sent out to students again. It is difficult to come by nowadays.

Remember that propectus is a document some higher institutions of learning especially universities usually send out to  prospective students to encourage them apply for admission with their schools. In those day before the advent of internet, it was usually a booklet that contain details information about a university which includes but not limited to various departments in the school, the courses taught and the facilities available to study to enjoy during his staying at the school. Nowadays, school put it online to be downloaded by any prospective students who is so interested. Some time it is "Departmental Prospectus".

The reality of the matter is that universities in Nigeria especially public funded ones don't usually do such a thing again, partly because they are at a stage where they don't need to attract students to come to study in their universities.

In the recent years "Prospectus" is being replace by "Student Handbook" and it is usually electronic document. Anybody can download it. It contains information such as mentioned above and many others. So, instead of searching for "prospectus" why not student "handbook"
So, good luck if you are able to get School of Engineering, UNILAG prospectus online.

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