
Federal College of Orthopaedic Technology Advise On How To Not Scared Some Parts of Your Body

Until now many people live their lives just anyhow. They do not take good care of their parts of body, not knowing that we cannot treat them anyhow.

The write up on this page was the advice the Federal College of Orthopaedic Technology gives on how to not treat some parts of our body so they can last for the rest of our lives.

  • The stomach is scare when you do not have your breakfast in the morning
  • The kidneys are afraid when you do not even drink 10 glasses of water in 24 hours
  • The gallbladder is scared when you do not wake up until sunrise.
  • The small intestine is scared when you eat cold or stale food.
  • The lungs are scared when you breathe in smoke, dirt and cigarette and bidi polluted environment.
  • The liver are scare when you eat heavy fried food, junk and fast food.
  • Your heart is afraid when you eat your meal with excessive salt and cholesterol.
  • The pancreas is scare when you eat more sweet because of it taste or because it is freely available.
  • Eye are scare when you work in the light of  mobile and computer monitor screen in the darkness.
  • The brain is scare when you start thinking negatively.

The Federal College of Orthopaedic Technology says we should take good care of every parts of our body  and we should no scare them.

Keep your body parts healthy.