
If You Are A Student of UNILAG, Then Read This

Due to the repeated cases of theft, burglaries and other evil deeds on the University of Lagos (UNILAG) campus, the management of the institution has directed that all students and staffs of the school should at all time wear their ID Cards within the campus.

This resolution was arrived, at the meeting the management held on 29th of July this year (2019) to delibrate on the issue.

To this effect all the Deans of Faculties and all Heads of Departments are enjoined to implement the new rule and make sure that all staff and students in their faculties and departments wear their ID cards always as the security personnel at all posts and all porters on duty will continually check and ask for ID card before allowing anybody to gain entrance through gates, into faculties, departments, library, laboratories and even into any of  the Halls of Residence.

To be forewarned is to be forarmed.

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