
5 Best Universities to Study Law in Algeria

More than one hundred Universities (public's and private's) are in Algeria. As many as they are they don't operate the same way and the programmes they offered are different. Because of the varieties the way each of the universities operate constitute to why one is better than the others and most especially the facilities each provide which include but not limited to accommodation facilities, teaching facilities, learning facilities and recreation facilities. Though all these were not taken into consideration when Time Higher Eduction collected data to determine World best University, but yet, they are important part of education systems.

Below is the list of universities in Algeria where law can best be studied as a programme. Being an overall best university does not automatically translate to mean that a university is best in offering all field of programmes to stuidents

Université Abderrahmane Mira de Béjaia

University of Bejaia is the second best university in Algeria but it's law programme is adjudged to be the best in the country. Web based, non academic ranking of Unirank rated the university as the second best in Algeria.

Université Mohamed Khider de Biskra

University of Biskra fall outside the 1000 best universitites in the world. It stand on the position bracket 1001+. In Algeria, the university is third overall best  but it's law programme is the second best. The school law programme focus on administrative law, family law, International law, business law and it continually expanding scope.

Université Frères Mentouri de Constantine 1

At world level, the University of Constantine ranked the same as Biskra. In Algeria it is the 4th best University and the school is the 3rd best where law can be offered as a programme in Algeria.

Université M'hamed Bouguerra de Boumerdès

This higher of learning institution has the 4th best law programme in Algeria. M'Hamed Bougara University of Bourmedes is ranked 1001+ best in the world and the 5th best in Algeria.

Université Abou Bekr Belkaid de Tlemcen

At the world level, University of Tiemcen ranked same with like of University of Constantine and M'Hamed Bougara University.  It law programme is the fifth best in Algeria though it is the eighth overall best in the country. However, Unirank say the Tiemcen University is best as per it web based non academic ranking.

The above information is based on the outcome of the World University Ranking of Time Higher Education 2020.