
3 Best Universities to Study Medicine and Dentistry in Algeria

This page list the Three Best Universities in Algeria where Medicine and Dentistry are best offer as a programme. The information on this page is according to the World University Ranking 2020.

The universities mentioned on this page were those among 1000 best in the world.

Ferhat Abbas Setif University 1

Is ranked as overall best university in Algeria but in the position bracket 601-800 among the world best universities and  251-300 world best young university under age 50 years.

Medical Science programme at Ferhat Abbas Setif University commenced in 1980 and it has grown tremendously in term of number of students (6312); training and research and infrastructures. The Department of Medicine can boost to have 200 teachers and 400 resident doctors working round the clock at the institution controlled University Hospital of Setif.

Université Abderrahmane Mira de Béjaia

University of Bejaia is the second best in Algeria and so also it's Medicine and Dentistry programme. It is better than Ferhat Abbas Setif University in the World  Best Young University under Fifty Years ranking.

Medical programme at University of Bejaia is one of the youngest in Algeria. The school founded Department of Medicine in 2007 and academic session started in 2008 with just 121 students. 

Université Abou Bekr Belkaid de Tlemcen

Training in the field of Medical Science first started at University of Tiemcen in 1980-1981 academic session and 1986 saw the graduation of the school first class of Doctors. Re organisation of  faculties and departments at the university saw emergence of Faculty of Medicine which is named on name of Dr. Benaouda Benzerd in 1998. The Faculty of Medicine is said to be the largest among all the six faculties of the institution in term of the number of staffs.

Today, Faculty of  Medicine,
Université Abou Bekr Belkaid de Tlemcen comprises

  • One library for Medicine with 30,000 stock of books
  • One library for Pharmaceutical Students and Staffs
  • Two work rooms
  • Twenty-two classrooms for Medicine and Dentistry
  • Ten classrooms for Pharmacy
  • Thirty laboratories for Medicine and Dentistry
  • Another twenty laboratories for Pharmaceutical research work.
  • And more