
Best Universities to Study Aeronautical Engineering in South Africa and Entry Requirements

study aeronatical engineering in south africa university
If you desire a career as an Aeronautical Engineering but you don't know which colleges of universities that offer the programme in South Africa, this page give you the information needed.

Note: there is a different between a discipline called Aeronautical Engineering and Pilot. If you desire to pursue a career as a Pilot, you will have to go to Aviation College.

Aeronautical Engineering has to do with the design, repair, maintenance and manufacturing of aircraft or any flying machines which has it operation limited to within atmosphere.

Only two universities offer Aeronautical Engineering as a programme in South Africa and they are:
  • University of Witwatersrand and 
  • University of Pretoria
These two universities run the programme at all degree level - Bachelor, Masters and Doctorate - and anybody is eligible to apply for the programme.

KwaZulu-Natal University is offering the programme but at postgraduate level. While the Stellenbosch University focus on the military aspect of the programme and that mean only members of the South Africa Armed Forces can study this course with them.

Entry Requirements

For a student to be considered for admission for the programme by any of the two universities mentioned above:
  • He must have completed grade 12
  • Have minimum of L5 in Mathematics, L5 in Physical Science and L5 in English Language
  • Students must also meet each universities Admission Point Score (APS). Stellenbosch University APS stand at 42+ while that of University of Pretoria is 30+
  • Live orientation is always not included when calculating APS
  • Student with Cambridge A/L  with a D in the required subjects may be considered.
International student with equivalent grade 12 equivalent can apply and may be considered for admission if his scores meet the entry requirements.

Aeronautical Engineering at both universities is accredited by the Engineering Council of South Africa (ECSA). This mean it meet the intra academic requirements of Sydney Accord. Graduates from both school can practice in any of the countries that form the Accord.

This also make the course at the two universities recognised by the Washington Accord. This Accord provide international recognition of the programme.  The certificate awarded can be used in more than fifteen countries of the world which signed the accord.

Click here for more information about the programme at University of Pretoria
Click here for more information about the programme at university of Witwaterstrand

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