World University Ranking: 13 Performance Indicators

World University Ranking of the Times Higher Education, is now very popular and highly respected among the academy communities and the society as a whole.

The English education magazine  started the world university rankings independently in 2010 focusing it's accessment on three foundation area of the university education which are teaching, research and knowledge transfer.

The much talk about thirteen performance indicators used by Times Higher Education to ranks universities are woven around these three major functions of the universities.

Further breakdown of their method shows that the said thirteen performance indication are under five different categories: Research Citation, Teaching and Learning Environment, Research Volume, Reputations and Incomes, International Outlook and Industry Income and Innovation.

These five different categories carry weight that are different, from one another. A university is rated across the thirteen performance indicator under these categories.

The Times Higher Education's thirteen performance indicators with which they ranked universities are listed below.

Note: there could be a modification to the criteria of ranking in the future, but at the time this article was being written, the criteria below -13 performance indicators- were what they were using.

  • Citation Impact
  • Proportion of Staffs to students
  • Ratio of Doctorate to Bachelor
  • Ratio of Doctorate Award to Academic Staffs
  •  Institutional Incomes
  • Reputation Survey (research volume and reputation)
  • Research Volume
  • Research Productivity
  • Number of International Students
  • Proportion of International Staffs
  • International Co-authorship/Collaboration
  • Reputation Survey (teaching, learning and environment)
  • Research Income to Academic Staffs
Note: Times Higher Education might have make adjustment to these thirteen performance indicator without notice and we might not have known.

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