About Us

This website is create at a time when there is a need for people and most especially students to be abreast of latest and reliable educational news and information around them.

Nowadays, real and correct information is difficult to come by. tertiarycampus.blospot.com is here to correct that.

You can always come back on this website to get updated news about all arm of tertiary institution in Nigeria, West Africa and Africa at large

I am passionate about writing and sharing real and legitimate information with people around me. Writing has been part of me for long. I am also a book worm. I read a lot, anything: tech stories, business journal, sport news, education news and so on.

I am a blogger and I have been blogging in the last ten years though new to using Goggle blogspot platform. I do blogging on part time. Professionally, am a technician.

You can contact me using the official contact form on the Contact Us page.

Tell others about this website if you find it interesting and information therein reliable, but tell us if you see anything bad or wrong so that we can correct it.

Enjoy Yourself,
