
Study Biomedical Engineering at University of New South Wales (UNSW)

biomedical engineering
You aspire to be a Biomedical Engineer? You desire a good profession. You becomes a Biomedical Engineer by studying a Biomedical Engineering at higher institution of learning. For example in the university.

By simple definition, Biomedical Engineering is a discipline that apply the engineering and medical science principles to design, build or create machines, software, computer or equipment that are useful in healthcare industry. Biomedical Engineers focus their attention in creating, installing, maintaining, repairing and designing devices that improve healthcare and it delivery. They are also engaged in training other medical professionals on how to effectively use, handle, maintain and repair all these devices.

According to USA Department of Labour, Biomedical Engineers are among the well paid professionals in America. They work in pharmaceutical and medical devices and equipment manufacturing industries. They also have job in medical research institutions and they can become lecturers in the universities.

Biomedical Engineering at University of New South Wales (UNSW)

There is no Biomedical Engineering programme at undergraduate level in the University of New South Wales (UNSW) but at post graduate level. That mean you cannot be taken as a fresh student to study Biomedical Engineering at the school.

A recommended way the university give to study this programme with them from an undergraduate level is for a student to apply for a double degree programmes of which at the end, the student will graduate with a Bachelor of Engineering in any disciplines and a Masters of Engineering (BEng) Degree in Biomedical.

Approved engineering programmes that a student can do at undergraduate level which will allow him to run Bachelor of Engineering with Masters of Biomedical in Engineering concurrently are:

  • Informatics Engineering
  • Chemical Engineering
  • Telecommunications Engineering
  • Software Engineering
  • Mechatronic Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Computer Engineering
  • Electrical Engineering and 
  • Material Science Engineering
Begin with one of the above listed programmes at undergraduate level and finish with Biomedical Engineering at post-graduate level to earn double degree of Bachelor of Engineering (BEng) and Masters of Engineering (MEng) Biomedical Engineering. 

One of the benefits a student can get doing double degree like this is, it will take him lesser time to complete the programme compare with if he had done it traditional way. 

Bachelor degree qualification in any of the above engineering disciplines from reputable and recognised university from anywhere in the world would be accepted for the Masters degree programme, Biomedical Engineering at UNSW provided any other entry requirements are met.