Indian University Students Developed a Prototype Wheelchair Which Can Be Controlled by The Eyes

Inspired by the determination to help and make life meaningful for physically challenged people in the society, some Indian volunteer students has developed a prototype wheelchair which can be controlled with just the movement of eyes.

The students who come from  different Departments at Atria University in India, designed and developed the high tech wheelchair specifically for quadriplegia patients: those paralysed in both upper limbs and lower limbs.

The traditional manual and  electric wheelchair are  designed to be controlled by hands and so useless to those who are paralysed only in both their upper limbs and lower limbs..

The four students : Anil T. Dinakaran, Ashok Kumar, John Karamchand and Sanya S. under the supervision of some engineers and scientists at Atria University used their knowledge in electronics and communication technology and computer science to make sure the project is completed.

While commenting on the project, Kaushik Raju, the Chief Operation Officer and a member of Board of Trustees at Atria University said, "It is the university mission to promote and cultivate interdisciplinary vitality and project based learning. For a long time now, our education system has emphasises on marks and note memorisation rather than actual skills. With global competition picking up everywhere, we are forced to up the quality of manpower. Atria University gives equal importance to vocational training along with imparting  education of international standards.