Electrical and Electronics | University of Ghana, Accra

Electrical and Electronics engineers work in all types of industry: manufacturing industry, healthcare industry, construction industry, petrochemical industry, education industry etc.

That means if you study Electrical and Electronics Engineering in the university or any other higher institutions of learning and you are good, you will always get a job to do: their job is readily available.

Study Eletrical and Electronics at University of Ghana.

University of Ghana don't offer Electrical and Electronics Engineering as a Course at all levels of it's degree programmes.

Other Engineering Courses at University of Ghana (UG)

Listed below are all engineering courses available at University of Ghana (UG)

  • Computer Engineering
  • Material Science and Engineering
  • Biomedical Engineering
  • Food Process Engineering and
  • Agricultural Engineering
These engineering programmes are accredited by National Accreditation Board (NAB).

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