Chemical Engineering at University of Bristol United Kingdom

chemical engineering university of bristol

Your desire to study Chemical Engineering will lead you to a job of formulating chemical processes, researching the new useful chemical compound for domestic and industrial use, implementing safety process in an hazardous environment and more.

Chemical Engineering as a course is not taught at University of Bristol, England.

Listed below are all the taught BSc, BEng and MEng Engineering Programme at University of Bristol in England, United Kingdom.

BSc, BEng and MEng Engineering Programmes, University of Bristol, England.

Aerospace Engineering Beng/Meng
CIvil Engineering Beng/MEng
Mechanical Engineering BEng/MEng
Mechanical and Electrical Engineering BEng/MEng
Engineering Design MEng
Engineering Mathematics BEng/MEng
Computer Science BSc/MEng
Computer Science and Electronics BEng/MEng
Computer Science and Mathematics BSc?MEng
Computer Science with Innovation MEng
Electrical and Electronics Engineering BEng/MEng
Electrical and Electronic with Innovation MEng

Courses like Aerospace Engineering, Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Mathematics and Electrical and Electronics Engineering has "Study Abroad Option", "A Year in Industry Option" and "Study in Continental Europe Option". Each of the option programmes lasted a duration of four years leading to the award of MEng after successful completion.

Only Engineering Design has none of the study programmes option.

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