Biomedical Engineering, UC Merced

On this page are the details of the Biomedical Engineering offering at the University of California (UC), Merced. You must have been on this page probably because you aspire to study Biomedical Engineering at UC Merced.

A degree in Biomedical Engineering prepares students for.a job placement in companies that provided goods and services for healthcare industry. The discipline main focus is on the application of engineering, science and mathematics principle to solving problems related to healthcare system. 

About Biomedical Engineering at University of California, Merced.

Biomedical Engineering is not listed among the taught engineering programmes at the College of Engineering, University of California, Merced but Bioengineering. 

Bioengineering as a discipline is broader in scope than Biomedical Engineering. It encompasses Biomedical Engineering. It has to do with using engineering and technology principles to solving problems related to general biology and healthcare in nature.

Bioengineering major at University of California, Merced equips students with basic knowledge needed to be successful in their future career: in a paid job or as an entrepreneur.

Offered Majors at School of Engineering UC, Merced 

Listed below care all offered majors at the College of Engineering, University of California, Merced.

Undergraduate Programs

  • Bioengineering
  • Civil Engineering
  • Computer Science and Engineering
  • Environmental Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Materials Science and Engineering

Offered Programmes (Minor)

  • Management Analytics and Decision Making
  • Materials Science and Engineering

Master's Degree Programmes

  • Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

  • Mechanical Engineering

  • Environmental Systems 

  • Bioengineering

  • Materials and Biomaterials Science and Engineering 

  • Management of Innovation, Sustainability and Technology 

The Mechanical Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering and Environmental Engineering at the University of California, Merced are accredited by the Accreditation Board of Engineering and Technology (ABET)