Bison Underground Wins $250,000 XPrize Carbon Removal Competition

Bison Underground: a team of thirteen (13) students from the University of Oklahoma working on how to take advantage of the power of nature, applied science and technology to make our environment safer and healthier to live has just won $250,000, a portion of the $5M XPRIZE Carbon Removal Student Competition, funded by a philanthropy foundation of tech billionaire: Elon Musk.

Bison Underground were part of 23 students' led teams that were announced by XPrize as winners of $5M Carbon Removal Student Competition. 190 student teams from ten (10) countries participated in the competition. 

XPrize which have been around since 1994 launched the award programme primarily to fund concepts which are still in early stage from the next generation of carbon removal innovators and thereby taken it to next level.

As a matter of protocol the competing students team must  submit their concepts for an award in one of two categories: Carbon Dioxide Removal Demonstrations or Measurement, Reporting, and Verification Technologies. 

The funds awarded the winning teams are use to perfect their innovation prototypes for the permanent removal of CO2 from the atmosphere while preparing to compete in subsequent rounds of XPRIZE competition. 

Bison Underground, while commenting on the won $250,000 said, the fund will enable them to improve their design and have better  prototype which they hope to test in Oklahoma before the main $100M XPRIZE for Carbon Removal competition.  

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