Marine Engineering, Naval Architecture and Fees in Australia

Required a degree in Naval Architecture or Marine Engineering? These universities in Australia could be of a help. 

Though Naval Architecture/Naval Engineering and Marine Engineering are closely related course (both work on sea vessels) they are not totally the same.

While Naval Architecture study, design and develop of all forms of water crafts from ground up, Marine engineering study, design and develop just the equipment  used onboard sea vessels and offshore platforms.  That mean to say a Marine Engineer is skill in all equipment and parts that engineered watercraft. 

Both courses are subsets of Maritime Engineering and that is why they are offered as specialisation of it by the few universities that teach the two courses in Australia. Therefore, you will first have to register for Maritime Engineering and thereafter choose either Naval Architecture or Marine and Offshore Engineering as your area of specialisation. 

List of Universities that offer Naval and Marine Engineering and Fees

Edith Cowan University (ECU)  

  • School: Engineering 
  • Course: Bachelor of Maritime Engineering, Honours (Naval Architecture Specialisation) 
  • Course: Bachelor of Maritime Engineering, Honours (Marine and Offshore Engineering specialisation)
  • Fee: AUD $36,060.00 (2023)

Australian Maritime. College (University of Tasmania)

  • College: Australian Maritime College 
  • Course: Bachelor of Maritime Engineering (Naval Architecture) (Honours)
  • Course: Bachelor of Maritime Engineering (Marine and Offshore Engineer) (Honours) 
  • Fee: not available 

University of New South Wales (UNSW)  

  • School; Engineering and Information Technology
  • Course: Master of System. E Engineering in Marine Engineering 
  • Fee: not available 

University of Western Australia (UWA) 

  • School: Engineering 
  • Course; Marine and Coastal Processes
  • Fee: not available 

The Naval Engineering and the Marine and Offshore Engineering are four (4) years courses accredited by the Engineers Australia at each of the universities mentioned above. 

The fees listed above are first year indicative fees, they could be altered at anytime without notice and they are for the international students. 

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