FAMU Excelled at NAHSE 28th Everett V. Fox Student Case Competition.

Deej Jimenson,  Winslyn B Parrish, Jena Tavares
FAMU School of Allied Health Sciences, Master of Health Administration Students excelled at the just concluded National Association of Health Services Executives 28th Everett V. Fox Student Case Competition. 

The students placed FOURTH among 31 teams that participated at the event that was held  on October 11th – 13th, 2023 in Atlanta GA. 

These students represented as the only Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) in the competition and the first HBCU to place top five in competition history.

The competition is meant to test the participants creativity, experience and ability to apply their knowledge of the principles of healthcare administration to analyze and proffer solution to the real world problems. Prior to the competition the participating students are presented with same case study to work on and present realistic recommendations to panels of judges who are usually current healthcare executives. 

The winning teams are often given the opportunity to present for senior leadership for the sponsoring organization in the Spring/Summer following the competition.

The winning team representing FAMU School of Allied Health Science (SOAHS) are: 

  • Deej Jimenson 
  • Winslyn B Parrish and 
  • Jena Tavares

“As an advisory board member for the HCM Undergradate program and official mentor for the MHA 1st year students, I am beyond proud of the hard work and dedication these young leaders put into this Competition,” said Advisor Lauren Eakins.

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