University of Pretoria Launched Mobile Laboratory for Mine Tailings

Tailing engineering, machine, laboratory
The University of Pretoria (UP) has launched a state-of-the-art mobile laboratory where samples of mining waste, also known as tailings, can be tested on site for their strength.  This has implications for the stability of mine tailings dams – and the safety of surrounding communities as well as the environment.  

This mobile laboratory for mining operation, which was launched on 26 October 2023 at UP’s Engineering 4.0 complex on Hillcrest Campus, mark the first time such type of equipment have been assembled in a mobile unit, a report said. 

Mine tailings which simply means mining waste (mining by products of no significant value) are got when ores that contain valuable substance like gold are mined and has been extracted at a plant, thereby leaving vast amounts product that can disposed off as tailing. 

Tailings is a great concern for engineers around the world especially mining engineers and this is the reason huge some of money is sunk each year on the study and research that can aid in the proper treatment, storage and management of tailings. 

It is however stated that this new mobile laboratory places will place the University of Pretoria (UP) in a unique position to contribute significantly to advance the state of the art in the important field of tailings engineering

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