Food Security Entails Safety, Sustainability and Quality

Food Security is not just about availability but sustainability, safety and quality all year round.
The above words was of  Mr. Robert Van Donk, an International Business Manager, at an event organised jointly by Landmark University, Omu Aran and Covenant University, Ota in association with Dutch Innovative Group - Bosman Van Zaal on June 5 to give an on hand education to both universitites community and the public on "Sustainable Food Security".

While delivering his address at the event, Mr Robert said Nigeria as a nation have to do everything it can, to increase food production to cater for it's huge number of population.

He further said there is a need for Nigeria to embrace "Greenhouse Technology" which is a solution to quality and high yield farm produce.

Mr. Don said, Greenhouse  Farming is an alternative farming method whereby plant cultivation is done under a controlled  environment structure or buildings which results in more agriculture yield and quality.

The Manager of international repute then rounded up his speech by saying that the universities and Nigeria at large would be benefited immensely if more is done on greenhouse technology.

Other speakers at the event were Vice Chancellor of Landmark University, Professor Adeniyi Olayanju and Covenant University farm Manager, Mr. Jacob Adewoye.

Notable people at the event include but not limited to Engineer Femi Daodu (DCSIS Representative); Dr. A. Adekoya (TR Farm Manager) and Mr. James Ndako of DFS