Industrial Engineering at Lanacaster University, London United Kingdom

industrial engineering lancaster university london
While the industrial engineering can be defined to mean a profession that has it main objective with the optimization of an industry complex systems, by proper utilisation of people, energy, money, information, knowledge, equipment, and materials the programme is not taught at Lancaster University London, United Kingdom

Listed below are the available Engineering programme that are taught instead of Industrial Engineering and which Lancaster University have to offer students from around the world.

Bachelor of Engineering (BEng) Degree Programme

Indubstrial Engineering No
Mechanical Engineering Yes
Electrical and Electronic Engineering Yes
Mechatronic Engineering Yes
Software Engineering Yes
Nuclear Engineering Yes
Chemical Engineering Yes

The engineering programmes  above are undergraduate degree courses.  Each lasted for a duration of three (3) years leading to the award of Bachelor of Engineering (BEng) degree certificate.

Masters of Engineering (MEng) Degree Courses

Listed below are undergraduate Master's Degree Engineering Courses. (MEng) Honours

Mechanical Engineering No
Mechatronic Engineering Yes
Electrical and Electronic Engineering Yes
Chemical Engineering Yes

Each of the undergraduate MEng programmes above lasted a duration of four (4) years. They are run concurrently with BEng.

Master of Science (MSc) Degree Engineering Courses

Listed below are Master's Degree Engineering. courses They are all one (1) year programme.

Electronic Engineering No
Mechanical Engineering Yes
Mechanical Engineering with Project Management Yes
Engineering Project Management Yes
Engineering Yes

Student are awarded Master of Science (MSc) degree in Engineering on successful completion of one of the courses.

For more see here

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