IBBUL Reached Coorperative Agreement with Two Reputable Organisations to Develop Bobi Grazing Reserve

Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida University, Lapai,(IBBUL), Hanyang Agricultural Industry Limited (HAIL), Abuja and Board of Regents of the University System, University of Georgia, Athens, United States of America have reached an international cooperative agreement for educational research programme in respect of each institution for an initial period of five years.

Accordingly, the cooperative activities in the agreement may cover students and staff exchanges, study abroad, collaborative research programmes, seminars and workshop, as well as service programmes.

Welcoming the team from Hanyang Agricultural Industry Limited to the University, the Vice Chancellor, Professor Abu Kasim Adamu said the Memorandum of Understanding started since last year, adding that this is however the first time the University Management was meeting with the team in Lapai. He disclosed that for further understanding of some grey areas, the legal teams of each party would sit to work things out.

The Vice Chancellor urged the parties involved to ensure that the agreement served the interest of all stakeholders, stressing that IBB University was ready to abide by the terms of agreement especially that the agricultural sector played a vital role in the development of the nation.

Professor Adamu maintained that when fully operational, Bobi grazing reserve established by Niger State Government would be well taken care of as more experts would have been available  by then.

Making further explanation, the leader of the team, Mr. Hakeem Olopade disclosed that the Consortium had earlier met the Executive Governor of Niger State, Alhaji Abubakar Sani Bello on how to harness the potentials of Bobi grazing reserve to the benefit of the State, especially in curbing the incessant clashes of herders and farmers. He stressed that the Consortium had met with the Management team of the University of Georgia along with some State government officials, maintaining that they were impressed with a lot of facilities put in place by the institution. Mr. Olopade disclosed further that the agreement also includes funding by the Consortium which will cover training of animal husbandry experts and graduate assistants who must be indigenes of the State. 

Speaking on crop production, the Team Leader said, some soil samples from Niger State needed to be taken to the University of Georgia and vice-visa, adding that a lot of general knowledge acquisition of the Bobi grazing reserve was necessary. All principal officers, supported by some senior staff attended the meeting which was rounded up with presentation of gifts to the visiting team by the Vice Chancellor.