Lebanese University Students Invented Sanitising Robot to Combat Covid 19

Lebanese University robot
A Sanitising Robot invented by two graduates students of Lebanese International University is been used by many hospitals and homes  to help disinfect their environments and thereby prevent the spead of  Covid 19 pandemic. 

The low cost robot which was developed by the duo of Ali Mohammed Hassan and Abdul Latif Atwil (both students, 23 years old) is meant to help sanitising hospitals, isolation rooms and endemic areas to prevents health workers working in these areas being infected with the virus. The machine is also useful in disinfecting residential areas to make them free of germs and viruses.

It was reported that the robot is a modification of the duo's 2019 senior project: an agricultural pesticides atomiser. The robot which is powered by three 12 volt batteries has capacity to carry around maximum of 25 liters of disinfectant and has the ability  to spray three square metres of an area remotely from a distance of one kilometre, so a human don't have to enter the area that wanted to be disinfected and thereby preventing further spreading of disease.

A report from Arab new stated that it cost the two graduate engineering students $700 plus three months of hard work to construct the prototype of the automation machine and that the pump they used in the machine was imported from Kuwait where Hassan works at a cost $100.

The Arab news report stated further that the duo invention is already commercialised. It is being used in Nabir Berri Hospital to sanitise wards and operating rooms while some homes are also already using the service. It was reported that Ali Mohammed Hassan and Abdul Latif Atwil charge between $50 and $75 for a job depending on the size and that they are usually contracted for a disinfection service through their Facebook page.

More marketing campaign is being done to make more hospitals and homes aware of this service. They hope to build more robots but improved ones, the types which will be installed with thermal scanners to help detect people who have fever as a result of Covid-19 infection.

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