A University Student Expelled for Violating School Covid-19 Code of Conduct

A university student in Nova Scotia, Canada had been expelled from school following failure to self isolate after arriving from outside the city.

According to a reliable sources, the student whose identity was not make known to the public as at the press time was said to have not quarantine well on arriving from the outside Atlantic Canada and was later tested positive to COVID-19.

A release statement from the authority of Université Sainte-Anne stated that the student have violated the school's COVID-19 code of conduct. The development prompt the school authority to sent an awareness email alert to the rest of the students on the campus, notifying them that one of them has tested positive to COVID-19, though the Public Health statement said the level of risk of exposure to other was low and that no close contact with the said student had been identified.

The university said the school disciplinary committee had met on the matter to decide whether the student had violated the school COVID-19 code of conduct or not, the result of which found the student failed to respect Public Health's orders and violated the university's COVID-19 code of conduct. 

The university, in the statement noted that it would not allow a student to create a situation that could have endangered others and to provide misleading information to the school.

Therefore, the school management deemed it right to expel the student but not until the period of self-isolation lapses.

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