Engineering Major: Swarthmore College, Pennsylvania

Engineering major Swarthmore College Pennsylvania

Browse this page for the type of Engineering Major the Swarthmore College, Pennsylvania have to offer students from around the world.

Swarthmore College does not offer any Engineering Major program. What the institution Department of Engineering offers instead is a General Engineering Degree program.

The General Engineering is a four (4) years degree program which covers a broad range of engineering courses. The programme is design to produce graduates with broad knowledge in engineering and technology with strong analysis and practical skills.

And so, while many universities in Pennsylvania offer various engineering major to their students, Swarthmore College do not, though students who are studying General Engineering are eligible to area of specialization such as Civil/Environmental Engineering, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering or Mechanical Engineering. Specialisation is made possible through the choose of elective at the college.

The Department of Engineering, Swarthmore College award Bachelor of Science in General Engineering to the students after successful completion of the program.

With a degree in General Engineering from Swarthmore College, graduates are able to get their desire job from any companies and are able to get admission to graduate schools for further education.

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