Mechanical Engineering: Swarthmore College, Pennsylvania

Mechanical Engineering Swarthmore College Pennsylvania
See this page for the details of Mechanical Engineering major at Swarthmore College, Pennsylvania. 

Swarthmore College don't offer any engineering major to students for study. What the school Department of Engineering have to offer student, instead, is General Engineering degree which lead to the award of Bachelor of Science in engineering after successful completion of the program.

The program is design to equip students with knowledge and skill in broad range of engineering subjects and so, at Swarthmore College students cannot apply to study for Mechanical Engineering  but can only apply to study General Engineering of which during the course of study are eligible to a various area of engineering specialisation which include Civil/Environmental Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering.

To make this work well the curriculum of the program have been designed to includes a core program of engineering, mathematics and science as well as a broad selection of elective courses with aim to provide a broad base of engineering knowledge and technique. 

The Swarthmore College Engineering Program is well recognised to apply for a job on move on to a graduate school because it is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET.

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