Industrial Engineering Admission Requirements Stellenbosch University

Industrial engineering, admission requirements, Stellenbosch University, Extended Degree Programme, Modules
Industrial engineering as a programme at Stellenbosch University set the foot of the students on the path to becoming professional engineers skill in planning, implementing and coordinating complex industrial systems which comprise man, money, information, materials, equipment and energy to achieve a desirable goal and at minimum cost.

The Department of Industrial Engineering award Bachelor of Engineering (BEng) degree to students on successful completion of the four (4) years programme on full time study mode.

Listed on this page Re some of the qualification accepted for admission to study for the undergraduate Industrial Engineering at Faculty of Engineering, Stellenbosch University including for extended degree programme.

Admission Requirements: Holders of National School Certificate (NSC)

  • Department of Industrial Engineering accept  result with an average of 70% in the six best matric subjects excluding Life Orientation and Mathematics Literacy 
  • Mathematics: 70% or in NSC before 2007 with Mathematics HG not less than B
  • Physical Science: 60% or in NSC before 2007 with Physical Science HG not less than C
  • One of National School Certificate (NSC)  Language mark, as stated below:
    • English Home Language: 50% (with no Afrikaans requirement) or
    • English First Additional Language: 60% (with no Afrikaans requirement) or
    • English First Additional Language: 50%, together with Afrikaans Home Language: 50% or
    • English First Additional Language: 50%, together with Afrikaans Second Additional
    • Language: 60%.

Admission Requirements to Extended Degree Programme (EDP) Engineering

Same as above but level of achievement for Mathematics is 60%
While for Physical Science is 50%

Admission Requirements: Holder of First Degree

Holders of National Diploma (ND); Higher National Diploma (HND) or Bachelor of Technology (BTech) can apply to be admitted to 2nd or 3rd year of the four (4) years Bachelor of Engineering (BEng) in Industrial Engineering on the condition that:

  • Language requirements is met as above
  • Pass assessments in the certain numbers and relevant modules as indicated below. 
  • The assessments must be completed within two consecutive examination period and 
  • An applicant must be selected.

The relevant modules that are required for Industrial Engineering
  • Engineering Mathematics 214
  • Engineering Mathematics 242
  • Production Management 212
  • Engineering Economics 212

Two more academic modules could be asked for, depending on the dictate of the department.

The Industrial Engineering at Stellenbosch University is duly accredited by the Engineering Council of South Africa (ECSA) and so the certificate earned from the school is accepted to be used to  register as professional engineers, used to pursue work at any country of the world or used to pursue further academic career elsewhere.

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