Scholarship in Artificial Intelligence Awarded to Four Wits University Students

Four students of the Witwatersrand University who aim to pursue a Master degree in the field of computer science, machine learning have been awarded scholarship.

The scholarship was awarded by DeepMind, an Alphabet company which comprises a team of engineers, scientists and machine learning experts working together on artificial intelligence and it's application in the real world.

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The scholarship which is known as DeepMind Scholarship is awarded to the four students to fund their Master's degree in AI, Computer Science or Robotics for the duration of two years that they will use to do the programme starting from year 2022.

According to DeepMind, the  scholarship was established to help build stronger and more inclusive AI community. The scholarship is meant to cater for the brilliant but underrepresented group who desire to pursue a graduate programme relating to Artificial Intelligence and the like.

Basically, brilliant students from average income family who may not be able to pursue their desire graduates programme in the field of computer science, especially AI because of the inability of their family to support them financially are mostly considered for the scholarship. Preference is also given to the South Africa students especially from the black population and the sub Saharan African countries.

While commenting on the awarded scholarship, Professor Zeblon Vilakazi, Vice-Chancellor and Principal of Wits University says, "Artificial Intelligence is an important building block and key driver in the Wits Digital Transformation suite of centenary projects, of which artificial intelligence and machine learning is a key driver,” 

A publication from the Witwatersrand University revealed that the scholarship covers tuition fee, conference, seminars, equipment funding and stipend for two of the students who will be completing their Masters degree programme through dissertation and the other two students who will be doing their Master degree through coursework and dissertation.

The publication says, Wits University is among the world top universities in the field of artificial intelligence and machine learning that are participating in the DeepMind Scholarship and it is one of just three universities in Africa selected for the programme.

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