Mechanical Engineering Chapman University

You must have been on this page maybe because you wish to study Mechanical Engineering and you seek to know something about it at Chapman University, Orange, California.  

Chapman University is a private higher education institution which provide a unique opportunity for students to learn and excel using state of art facilities, government favoured curriculum, rigorous classroom lectures, fields work and professional instructors.

About Mechanical Engineering at Chapman University

Fowler School of Engineering. at Chapman University offers five undergraduate engineering and science majors and a number of minor none of which is Mechanical Engineering.

Fowler School of Engineering doesn't list Mechanical Engineering among it's offered Bachelor of Science (BS) or minor programmes.

Fowler School of Engineering Offered Programmes.

Listed below are all taught programmes at Fowler School of Engineering, Chapman University, Orange, California. 

Undergraduate Programs 

  • B.S. in Computer Science  
  • B.S. in Data Science 
  • B.S. in Software Engineering

Engineering and Science Minor 

  • Analytics 
  • Computer Science 
  • Information Security and Police  
  • Game Development Programming