Trinity Polytechnic Uyo Accreditation and Courses

The fact that you are on this page might mean you want to know whether Trinity Polytechnic, Uyo, is legal or not. It might mean you want to know whether the polytechnic (one of the few private in Akwa Ibom) is accredited in Nigeria or not so you can make a better decisions about your future career.

Trinity Polytechnic Accreditation 

The Trinity Polytechnic, Uyo, Akwa Ibom State is a legal education institution in Nigeria. The school is accredited by the National Board of Technical Education (NBTE) a Nigerian organisation responsible for the accreditation and certication of polytechnics, technical schools and all other vocational training institutions and their courses. 

Click the link below to see Trinity Polytechnic, Uyo listed among the accredited polytechnics on NBTE website.

If by the time you check, the name is not listed, it might be the school had lost it accreditation. 

Another ways to know that Trinity Polytechnic is accredited is through JAMB form. Each year, since 2016, the Trinity Polytechnic has been listed among the polytechnics a student can choice to apply to in Nigeria. 

Any polytechnic not accredited will not have it name listed in the JAMB form and so if Trinity Polytechnic doesn't appear on the list, then think twice.  

Federal Ministry of Education also has the name Trinity Polytechnic, Uyo listed on it.

Click the link below to check

What This Mean 

It means: 

Certificate earned at Trinity Polytechnic can be used to apply for a job here or elsewhere sound the world. 

Graduate from the institution is recognised to participate in the mandatory one (1) NYSC programme in Nigeria. 

A product of the school can use the certificate to sought for further education at another institution in Nigeria or disposal.


Trinity Polytechnic Accredited Courses.

Listed below are the courses the accreditation of Trinity Polytechnic covers as at the time this page was set up.

  • Accountancy
  • Businesses Administration and Management
  • Hospitality Management
  • Leisure and Tourism
  • Mass Communication
  • Public Administration 
  • Electrical/Electronic Engineering 
  • Computer Science
  • Computer Engineering
  •  Estate Management
  • Science Laboratory Technology
  • Architecture
  • Building Technology 
  • Quantity Surveyor 
  • Welding and Fabrication Technology and
  • Statistics 

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