Study Software Engineering and Fees in Australia

Browse here for the list of universities where Software Engineering is taught as a course in Australia and the estimated fees charge international student per  year. 

Software Engineering as a course have come to stay. It is a subset of Computer Engineering. it about design, developing, testing and evaluating computer software (a set of instructions, data or programs that can be stored and used to operate computers and to perform a specific task). 

A software engineer unlike a software developer get it job done from the engineering perspective. They develop all forms of applicants software and algorithm that keep our cars, industries, hospitals and outer space running. 

This page list the university in Australia where software engineering or development is taught as course at undergraduate degree level. 

List of Universities to Study Software Engineering in Australia. 

Australian National University 

  • College: Engineering and Computer Science
  • Course: Bachelor of Software Engineering (Honours)
  • Fee: AU $46,080.00

Charles Darwin University.

  • College: Engineering, IT and Environment 
  • Course: Bachelor of Software Engineering Honours 
  • Fee: AU $29,616.00

Charles Sturt University 

  • School: Computing and Mathematics 
  • Course: Bachelor of Information Technology (Software & Application Development) 
  • Fee: AU $33,408.00

Curtin University 

  • School: Electrical Engineering, Computing and Mathematical Sciences 
  • Courses: Bachelor of Computing (Software Engineering)  
  • Fee: not available 

Deakin University 

  • Sxhool: Information Technology 
  • Course: Bachelor of Software Engineering (Honours) 
  • Fee: AU $36,400.00

Federation University, Australia 

  • School: Engineering and Information Technology 
  • Courses: Bachelor of Information Technology (Software Development) 
  • Fee: AU $24,700.00

Flinders University 

  • College of Science and Engineering 
  • Courses: Bachelor of Engineering (Software) (Honours) 
  • Fee: AU $39,000

Griffith University 

  • School: Engineering and Built Environment 
  • Courses: Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Software Engineering 
  • Fee: AU $38,000

Macquarie University 

  • Department of Computing 
  • Courses: Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) specialising in Software Engineering
  • Fee: AU $39,800

Monash University 

  • Faculty: Information Technology 
  • Course: Bachelor of Software Engineering (Honours)
  • Fee: AU $46,200.00 (2023)

Queensland University of  Technology 

  • Faculty: Science and Engineering 
  • Course: Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Computer and Software Systems) 
  • Fee: AU $39,500 (2023)

RMIT University 

  • School of Science 
  • Courses: Bachelor of Software Engineering  
  • Fee: AU$37,440 (2023)

University of Adelaide 

  • School of Computer Science 
  • Course: Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Software) 
  • Fee: AU $48,500.00

University of Canberra

  • Faculty: Science and Technology
  • Courses: Bachelor of Software Engineering 
  • Fee: not available

University of New South Wales

  • School of Computer Science & Engineering 
  • Course: Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Software Engineering
  • Fee: AU $49,600 (2022)

University of Newcastle 

  • School: Electrical Engineering and Computing 
  • Courses: Bachelor of Software Engineering (Honours) 
  • Fee: not available 

University of Queensland 

  • School of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering 
  • Courses: Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Software Engineering 
  • Fee: AU 44,671.00

University of South Australia 

  • School of Information Technology and Mathematical Science
  • Courses: Bachelor of Software Engineering (Honours) 
  • Fee: AUD$ 35,300 (2023)

University of Sydney 

  • School: Computer Science 
  • Courses: Bachelor of Engineering Honours (Software Engineering) 
  • Fee: not available 

University of Western Australia 

  • School of Physics, Mathematics and Computing 
  • Course: Bachelor of Engineering Honours (Software Engineering)
  • Fee: AU $42,900.00

The fees indicated above are for the international students (domestic students will usually pay like 1/3 or 1/4 of the fees). They were the first year indicative fees. The actual fees could be a bit different from what you see here. Fees are altered yearly and many institution will not reveal the actual fees to you until you finalized your admission process. 

All the institutions mentioned above are accredited by the Australian Computer Society. 

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