MTRAC Awards Two Michigan Universities $1M for Research Projects With High Commercial Potential

The researchers at the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor and at Dearborn campuses and the Western Michigan University have been awarded nearly $1M to support multidisciplinary research projects with high commercial potential in the field of transportation and mobility. 

The money was awarded them by the Michigan Translational Research & Commercialization (MTRAC) at the University of Michigan. 

The MTRAC program is design to help in bringing new technologies from Michigan’s institution of higher learning into the commercial market by way of funding support, licenses, connection with industry and the venture capital advisory board. 

The Michigan Translation Research and Commercialization (MTRAC) for Advanced Transportation Innovation Hub is one five hubs the program support. It is aim support research projects  capable of advancing transportation and mobility sectors which range in scope from advance transportation material, vehicle drag reduction, autonomous vehicles, sensors to power converter software and more. 

This is an annual program and it is open to all innovators from the public higher institutions of learning in the state of Michigan including the non profit research organizations. 

What they need to do is to submit an application and proposal. If consider, the innovators will receive funding and supports which include but not limited to marketing, link with industries, government agencies, angel investors or venture capitalist. 

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