A Texas Born Nigerian Student, Uche Wins Harvard Aloian Memorial Scholarship 2023

A Dallas, Texas born Nigerian student in far away United States of America have been announced one of the two recipients of this year 2023 Aloian Memorial Scholarship.  

Aloian Memorial Scholarship is sponsored by the Harvard Alumni Association and it is awarded every year to two juniors whose  leadership qualities are resourceful and that improve the quality of life in Harvard Houses. 

The award is given in honor of David and Mary (Mimi) Aloian, faculty deans of Quincy House from 1981 to 1986. 

One of the two recipients of 2023 Aloian Memorial Scholarship is Chibuikem Uche of class 2024.

Uche is a Sophomore at Harvard studying Government and with a secondary in Global Health and Health Policy. He attended Richardson High School where he was the Senior Class President and Varsity Debate Team Captain.  

As a students at Harvard Uche is  interested in examining how health policy and health outcomes are  related among various communities. He loves playing sports, podcasting, and getting outdoors. 

This is what Harvard write about him that qualify him for the award; 

Chibuikem Uche ’24, of Dallas, Texas, spearheads creative and joyful ways to bring Currier House residents together, whether it be through his role as House Committee co-chair, organizing quad formals and watch parties, creating award-winning Housing Day videos, or simply as a “Currierite” striving to build a community of people who support one another. Noticing Sunday evenings were often anxiety-inducing, Uche organized “food drops” from various restaurants in the dining hall to encourage residents to gather and study as a community. In addition to serving as captain to various intramural teams over the years, Uche can be often found rallying House residents to partake in sports they may have very little experience in. His camaraderie on and off the playing field make others feel comfortable and welcome. Beyond House life, Uche is a member of the Student Advisory Committee as well as a Harvard Global Health Ambassador. His faculty deans note, “Chuby’s enthusiasm for athletics, service, and building community in Currier are unmatched among his peers. He seeks to make the most of his opportunities and devote himself with zeal to the betterment of those people and communities around him.”
The second recipient of the Aloian Memorial Scholarship, 2023 is Grace O’Sullivan ’24, of Weymouth, Massachusetts.  

Uche is a member of Harvard Society of Black Students and Engineers and the Nigerian Students Association among many others. 

Congratulations Uche. 

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