School of Engineering at UConn To Be Upgraded to A College

All is set for the University of Connecticut (UConn) to have it School of Engineering upgraded to a status of a college. 

A publication by the institution revealed that they are taken this step considering the rapid growth of the school and its importance over the years in producing highly skill graduates, whose contribution toward the Connecticut’s high-tech economy cannot be overemphasize. 

Why changing from school of engineering to college of engineering.?  

From academic point of view College of Engineering is usually larger than the School of Engineering. College is a division within an institution that offer broader program for example engineering, while a school offer specific program under engineering and in this case mechanical or civil engineering and so on. College can have several schools under it and since the school of engineering at the University of Connecticut has witness tremendous growth over the years, there is necessity for it's name to be upgraded to a college. 

The University of Connecticut (UConn) revealed that the upgrading process, for now will have two departments name change to school under the newly upgraded college:  the Department of Computer Science and Engineering will be renames School of Computing while the Department of Mechanical Engineering will now be called School of Mechanical, Aerospace, and Manufacturing Engineering. The Department of Biomedical Engineering; Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering; Civil and Environmental Engineering; Electrical and Computer Engineering; and Materials Science and Engineering will, for the meantime continue to bear their old name under the newly upgraded College of Engineering. 

It is a believe that upgrading the School of Engineering at UConn to College of Engineering will boost the profile of the school engineering in the face of the outside world and enhance the efficiency of the operation internally thereby allow for future growth.

The change in the name from School of Engineering to College of Engineering take effect from Nov. 1 2023.

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