University of Pretoria Appoints Mwambakana-Mutombo as Director for Mamelodi Campus

Dr Jeanine Mwambakana-Mutombo
Following the departure of the Director of Mamelodi on 31 October 2023, the Executive made a decision to appoint staff members on a rotational basis to act in the role of Director with effect from 1 November 2023. The University of Pretoria is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr Jeanine Mwambakana-Mutombo as the Acting Director for Mamelodi with effect from 1 November 2023 until 31 January 2024.

Dr Mwambakana – Mutombo is currently appointed as Head of Academic Programmes at Mamelodi. She holds a DTech in Mathematical Technology Education, Master of Science in Mathematical Technology Education and a BTech in Chemistry. Dr Mwambakana-Mutombo joined the University of Pretoria on 1 February 2011 as a Senior Lecturer in the Faculty of Education. She was appointed to her current position as Head-Academic Programmes at Mamelodi on 1 April 2017.

We would like to thank Dr Mwambakana-Mutombo for making herself available to act as Director for the period 1 November 2023 to 31 January 2024 and wish her all the best in her responsibilities. 

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