University of Sydney New Robotics Hub Launched

The University of Sydney announced the official launching of the new Australian Robotic Inspection and Asset Management Hub (ARIAM). 

ARIAM an Australian Research Council (ARC) Hub is established to  research and develop autonomous robotic systems capable of transforming the way important assets and infrastructure are handle and managed. 

A report from the University of Sydney stated that ARIAM's is being envision to be at the forefront of research and development of advance robotics that can be deployed instead of human to enter dangerous and hazardous places to maintain asset such as tunnels and underwater infrastructures. This will reduce exposing human to danger of maintaining these assets and infrastructures.  

In addition, it is also a believe that ARIAM will help in managing a situation whereby all the aged infrastructures are begining to fail and need replacement. It works will enhance safety, promote accurate and timely data collection, minimize lose of concentration during maintenance and improve the efficiency of industry.

This hub is being hosted by the University of Sydney in partnership with Queensland University of Technology (QUT) and The Australian National University (ANU). 

The hub brings together engineers, scientists and world leaders in research and development of robot working toward developing semi autonomous and autonomous machines capable to collect data that represent the true state of a physical assets and infrastructures for better management, especially in a challenging environment. 

The seven member leadership team at ARIAM comprises of Professor Ian Manchester, from the School of Aerospace, Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering, who also directs the Australian Centre for Robotics and comprises Peter Corke, Strategy Advisor from Queensland University of Technology (QUT); Niko Sünderhauf, Deputy Director -Reearch (QUT); Stefan Williams, Deputy Director -Technology and Impact from the University of Sydney and Hanna Kurniawati
Theme Lead - Planning and Control from Australian National University 

This project is primarily finance by the Australian Research Council and is supported by more than fifteen Australian industry partners including Thales, Hullbot Reach Robotics, Ansto, Emesent, Abyss Solutions, Nearmap, Defy-Hi and more. 

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