A School Former Students Donated Office Equipment To Their Alma Mater

As part of the activities to celebrate the silver jubilee of their passing out of school, the 1994 set of alumni of Cregg High School, Lagos paid a courtesy visit to their Alma Mater.
While speaking on the occasion, the leader of the set of former students Mrs. Moriam Shittu said celebrating 25 years of their graduation from the school was an idea some of the members initially did not want to buy, but after lot of persuasion the idea was well received noting that  silver jubilee is symbolic.

On their visit the 1994 set of alumni donated a set of office equipment -a brand new printer and a portable photocopy machine- for the use of the school.

While thanking the former students for their gesture, the elated school principal Mrs. Adeyemi Muslimat said the donation was made at the right time.  She noted that scores of donation had been made by various set of the school alumni but this one was the first she got  since assumed the office of the school  principal.

The leader of the group, Mrs Shittu later said the event would be rounded up by a schedule dinner party.