Meet Ayoola Adeola, The Best African Female Post Graduate Students in China

A Nigerian student studying in far away China has won the prestigious China Excellent International Students Award 2019.

The student by the name Ayoola Adeola, a former student of Federal University of Technology, Akure FUTA is currently doing her PhD programme in Primate Genomic Conservation and Evolution at Kunming Institute of Zoology, a member school of Chinese Academy of Sciences.

According to a publication been circulated by the management of the student Alma Mater, Ayoola Adeola was the only African female students  among  about 40 international students who won the the award that is organised annually by the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

The award programme which is said was introduced in 2007 is aimed at encouraging international students in China to behave well and study hard.

The publication stated that to qualify for the award, best international student from each of the Chinese Academy of Sciences member schools under the aegis University of China Academy of Sciences (UCAS) must be recommended. It is from the pool of recommended best students that the final selection for the award would be made.

The criteria for selection of best students for China Excellent International Students Award at each of the China Academy of Sciences member schools and at National level includes but not limited to:

  • Outstanding in learning and character
  • Diligent study
  • Consistent excellent performance
  • Adherence to Chinese and school laws and regulations
  • Respect for Professor
  • Care of the public property
  • Pay attention to sanitation
  • Good role model in school through active participation in school activities.
Ayoola Adeola profile in brief as shares by FUTA

Ayoola  Adeola graduated from Federal University of Technology Akure (FUTA) with B(Agric) Tech: Ecotourism and Wildlife Management with a second class upper division in 2014.

In 2017 at the same University, she obtain a Master Degree certificate (distinction) in Agricultural Technology.  

According to the publication, it was said that Ayoola work briefly at FUTA Department of Ecotourism and Wildlife Management  as Teaching Assistant between 2015 and 2017.

She won CAS-TWAS PhD President Fellowship (the scholarship that afford her the opportunity to do her PhD in China) in 2017. 

Congratulations Ayoola .

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