Nile University of Nigeria Granted TEDx License

The management of Nile University, Nigeria announced last week that they had been granted TEDx license.

They said, the license was granted the institution after a series  of intense work and planning by some of the alumni of the school. The license granted them allow Nile University to organise TEDx event on it campus and according to the institution, it's first TEDx event is scheduled to hold on March 17, 2020 and it is title " Actualise Your Dream". The discussion will focus on the area of Technology, Sport, Business, Art and Culture, Humanitarian Services, Education and Entrepreneurship.

The institution said detail of the  event programmes will be communicated to the university community as the time of the event move closer.

TED stand for non-profit organisation who are passionate of spreading idea by organising short and powerful talks. It was revealed that first TED event was held in 1984.  TED stand for Technology, Entertainment and Design. That was the area of their discussion at the initial stage of their organisation. It has grown to include other areas in recent years.

TEDx is coined for a situation where the TED event is being organised independently. X stand for independently. It was added to TED to differentiate the TED event being organise independently from the one being organise by the organisation and that is where issue of a license comes in. To make sure the TEDx event is organise and done following the rules and regulations so as to be standard just like the real TED.