UNN Among The Eight Universities To Participate in 1st Africa IEEE Webinar Series

University of Nigeria Nsukka Webinar

The University of Nigeria, Nsukka (UNN) has been selected, among eight (8) universities in Nigeria and Ghana, to be part of the 1st African Webinar Series on Fundamentals of Circuits and Systems and Emerging Technologies.

This webinar series, offered in collaboration with Texas A&M University and sponsors by the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers' (IEEE's) Circuit and Systems Society (CASS) will involve a combination of lectures and practical sessions in cutting-edge technologies within the mandate of the Circuits and Systems Society (CASS) of the IEEE.

Among the people that are expected to speak at the event which is schedule to hold between 8th of October and 20th of October are:

Professor Tokunbo Oginfunmi, is a professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Director of Signal Processing Research Laboratory at Santa Clara University, California, USA. 

He will be speaking on the topic: Key Concept of Machine Learning.

Professor Andreas Demosthenous is a professor in the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at University College London. 

He will be speaking on the topic: Fundamental of Bioelectronics in Implantable and Wearable Medical Devices.

Professor Prasad Enjeti of Texas A&M University holds a Texas Instrument Professorship in Analog and Engineering.

He will be speaking on the topic: Smart Grid and Power Electronic

Professor Jose Silva-Martinez of Texas A&M University hold the title Texas Instrument professor working with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.

He will be speaking on: Fundamental on Electronics: A Design Oriented Teaching Methodology

Professor Babak Fahimi of University of Texas at Dallas, a Distinguished Chair of Engineering and the Founding Director of Renewable Energy and Vehicular Technology.

He will be speaking on: Electrified Propulsion systems in Battery EV and Fuel Cell Vehicles

Professor Keshav K. Parhi of University of Minnesota is a Distinguish McKnight University Professor and Edgar F. Johnson Professor of Electronic Communication in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.

He will be speaking on the topic: Brain Inspired Computing: Model and Accelerator Architecture

Engr. Dr. Cosmas Uchenna OGBUKA Director of Computer Communications Centre is the coordinator for the University of Nigeria Nsukka (UNN)

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