Ian Bateman, who also double as the Director of Land, Environment, Economics and Policy Institute (LEEP), University of Exeter's Business School was inducted at the 159th Annual General Meeting of the academy which held on April 2022.
New candidates are elected into NAS by nomination by the existing members, base on their past record as scientists/reseachers and especially for their present outstanding performance in original research. One hundred and twenty (120) US and thirty (30) international candidates make the list of the new members of the year. Their inductions follow their election which was in 2021.
Ian Bateman is one of the six (6) inducted international members from United Kingdom, and was recognised for his work in the integration of physical, natural, economic and social sciences into how decisions are make in real world and how policy is formulated and implemented.
Bateman earned a:
- BSc from the University of Birmingham
- Master of Art (MA) from the University of Manchester and a
- PhD from the University of Nottingham.
- Order of the British Empire (OBE)
- Fellow of the Royal Society of Biology - (FRSB)
- Fellow Royal Society of Art (FRSA)