UFH Received R1.3M Donation to Help Alleviate Students Financial Needs

University of Fort Hare, UFH, Students Debt, Motsepe Foundation
The University of Fort Hare (UFH) has received a whooping donation of R1.3 million from a South African billionaire philanthropy organisation: Motsepe Foundation  towards the financial needs of  students. 

Ms Siphokazi Mbalo, the President, Student Representative Council (SRC),  University of Fort Hare was on hand to receive the cheque for the donation and while speaking she stated that the bulk of the funds will be used for the settlement of the debt of the unfunded students from disadvantaged backgrounds and missing middle students who are struggling to register due to debt, stressing that R1 million part of the donation had been earmarked for that, so that the affected students could register for this academic year. 

Speaking further, Ms Mbalo said the remaining funds is aimed to be channeled toward initiatives aimed at addressing mental health challenges, women empowerment programmes, and Gender-Based Violence awareness campaign. 

The cheque was handed over by Dr Precious Moloi-Motsepe, co-founder and CEO of the Foundation to Ms Mbalo and Student Developer, Mr Dzulani Munzhelele on Thursday, 16 February, at a ceremony held in Sandton, Johannesburg.

While speaking after the presentation of the cheque, the General Manager, Motsepe Foundation, Mr Vumisa Mayisela revealed that the Foundation have so far donated a total of R30 million to SRCs from across the country  and that the identification of the student needs to be supported will be conducted in partnership with the SRCs.

In his own address, the Students Developer, Dzulani Munzhelele appreciate Motsepe Foundation for their support noting that they hope the foundation’s generosity will encourage other organisations, both private's and public's to join efforts that seek to support disadvantaged deserving students. 

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