Ten Top Universitites to Study Engineering in Australia

Australia is well represented among the best universities in the world. The Times Higher Education's world university rankings show that six of the Australian universities were among the 100 world best while eleven number of the country universities make 200 world best.

The ranking which followed 13 performance indicators is same for the engineering programme
at all universities.

Below is the list of the Ten Best Universities in Australia where engineering can best be offered as a programme.

Engineering Programme: 1st
World Ranking: 32nd
Australia Ranking: 1st

  • Australia National University

Engineering Programme: 2nd
World Ranking: 50th
Australia Ranking: 2nd

Engineering Programme: 3rd
World Ranking: 60th
Australia Ranking: 3rd

Engineering Programme: 4th
World Ranking: 66th
Australia Ranking: 4th

  • UNSW Sydney

Engineering Programme: 5th
World Ranking: 71st
Australia Ranking: 5th

  • Monash University

Engineering Programme: 6th
World Ranking: 75th
Australia Ranking: 6th

  • University of Adelaide

Engineering Programme: 7th
World Ranking: 120th
Australia Ranking: 7th

  • University of Western Australia

Engineering Programme: 8th
World Ranking: 131st
Australia Ranking: 8th

  • Queensland University of Technology

Engineering Programme: 9th
World Ranking: 179
Australia Ranking: 9th

  • University of Canberra

Engineering Programme: 10th
World Ranking: 193th
Australia Ranking: 11th