Software Engineering, Lagos State University LASU

Computer software Engineering LASU Lagos State University
Software Engineering is a field of computer engineering which specialises in developing set of instructions, data or programme with which computers operate and perform a specific task. Software  (computer language) design and development are the two major work of a Software Engineer.

This field of discipline has it root in Computer Science/Engineering. All the Software Engineers work (mobile applications, web applications and operating system and ...) is done with the knowledge  in computer science.

To be honest Software Engineering is not offer as a programmes at LASU. This means the institution doesn't award a degree in software engineering but is taught as part of Computer Science modules.  As a matter of fact Computer Science or Engineering is not complete without studying Software Engineering as part of it's taught modules.

At LASU, while studying Computer Engineering, these following courses on Software Engineering are taught students:

  • Operation System
  • Microprocessor Software Development
  • Database System Design and Application 
  • Software Engineering 1
  • Software Engineering 2
  • Control Assisted Application and 
  • Artificial Intelligence
At the end of the 5 years of Computer Science degree programme, a student could go on to study Master of Science (MSc) Degree in Software Engineering. Then, he would be awarded with a certificate that bear Software Engineering on it, if that is what he wants. 


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