Electrical Engineering and Entry Requirements | Wits University

Electrical engineering, wits University, admission requirements, FEBE, NSC, NCV
Electrical Engineering at Witwatersrand University focus on power generation and distribution and on the design, development and application of electronics circuit to various devices, systems and machineries.

So, studying for a BSc in Electrical Engineering at the School of Electrical and Information Engineering, Faculty of Engineering the Built and Environment equipped students with the ability to effectively work in the power generation stations and power distribution companies and in the application of electrical energy in telecommunications and in appliances.

To graduate in electrical engineering at Wits University, students must do and pass modules, some of which are listed below.

  • Data Structures and Algorithms 
  • Electric and Magnetic Systems 
  • Software Development 1&2
  • Signals and Systems 1,2&2B
  • Microprocessors 
  • Electronics 1&2
  • Electric Circuits 
  • Mathematics 1,2&3 
  • Physics 1&2 (Electrical) 
  • Electromagnetic Engineering 
  • Power Engineering 
  • Probabilistic Systems Analysis
  • Control I 
  • Electrical Engineering Design
  • Economics of Design 
  • Mathematical Methods 
Below are the minimum qualification accepted to study for undergraduate electrical engineering (BSc) at Wits University.

Admission Rquirements: Holders of National Senior Certificate (NSC)

  • English Home Language or first additional language at the National Senior Certificate

Scale of Achievement : level 5

  • Pass in Physical Science 

Scale of Achievement: level 5

  • Pass in Mathematics

Scale of Achievement: level 5

  • APS: 42+ 

Admission Requirements: Holders of National Certificate Vocational (NCV)

University of Witwatersrand accept National Certificate Vocational Level 4 with the following grade:

  • English as Language of Learning and Teaching or as the First Additional language 

Scale of achievement : 70-79% (4)

  • Mathematics or Mathematical Literacy

Scale of achievement: 70-79% (4)

  • Life Orientation

Scale of achievement: 70-79% (4)


  • Four (4) vocational subjects relevants to Electrical Engineering and each must be at the scale of achievement of 70-79% (4)

After having met the above four (4) requirements, NCV holders will be invited for an interview to be conducted by the relevant faculties and heads of school. 

Admission to First Degree (BSc) Holders

An applicant who has obtain  a first degree of BSc or an equivalent is admitted  to the third years of Electrical Engineering at Witwatersrand University. But such applicants must achieved a qualification the management of the institution deemed enough to be admitted to study for a BSc in Electrical Engineering.

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