
Best Universities to Study Engineering in Austria

best universities for engineering in austria
Austria paraded some of the best universities in the world and this is because the standard of it university education is high. Austria is using European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) as a yardstick for it universities education standard.

At the time this page was been put up there were about forty six universities in Austria, comprises public, private and University of Applied Science offering different programmes to thousands of students who come from various countries of the world.

Common programme among these number of universities is engineering. Virtually all types of all engineering programmes as you will find anywhere in the world are on offer at all the universities that teach engineering in Austria.

Some of the taught engineering programme at Austria universities are:

  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Civil Engineering
  • Chemical Engineering
  • Computer Engineering
  • Automotive Engineering
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Aeronautical Engineering
  • Biomedical Engineering
  • Agricultural Engineering

But the truth is, some universities are better equipped and more competent in teaching engineering programmes than others.

Below is the list of universities in Austria where engineering can best be offered as a programmes

  • Vienna University of Technology

Engineering Programme: 1st
World: 351-400
In Europe: 170th
In Austria: 6th

  • Graz University of Technology

Engineering Programme: 2nd
World: 501-600th
Europe: 239th
Austria: 9th

  • Johannes Kepler University

Engineering Programme: 3rd
World: 601-800th
In Europe: 276th
In Austria: 10th

  • University of Leoben

Engineering Programme: 4th
World: 601-800th
In Europe: 276th
In Austria: 11th

This ranking was according to Times Higher Education's world university rankings 2020, using 13 performance indicators as criteria.